
… Am I still up right now? I honestly have no idea, but I’m not really all that tired, to be fair. (It’s nigh on 4 AM, as I write this). But I’ve discovered something: I seem to write best when I’m in a half-unconscious mindset. For sure, it might not be very coherent (this article may be gone in the morning when I’m actually awake and can see what blather I’ve posted on t3h blog), but it’s pretty well… worded?

Like earlier on IRC, I used “pantomimed” and “liquor” in the same sentence without thinking about it. I honestly don’t know of very many people who would regularly use “pantomime” (or any variations thereof) or even “liquor” (with a fakking “Q” in it) around here. Much less in the same sentence. But here I am, just conversing in a normal IRC conversation, and “SHAPOW!!” There they are, for all the world to see. I must say, I was rather impressed with my diction tonight.

Even though I am only halfway of conscious mind right now, I do realize that this article is already a bit ramble-y, so I will try to appease you all with something… less so. Tonight, I discovered something about relationships. It’s not something I can readily say at present, but let’s just say if I’m right, things will be interesting. So, yeah, that’s not any less ramble-y, and even more obscure. Good game, me.

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